Helps in Severe Neurological Diseases

Supported by the Deaf-Blind
Support Foundation ''Con-nection''
Brain Implant of Deep Brain Stimulation with Electrical Impulses
ELVIS DBS is a brain implant that can treat serious neurological diseases
Parkinson's disease and epilepsy
An implant in the brain blocks abnormal signals emanating from certain areas of the brain.
Tourette's syndrome
Deep brain stimulation helps to control motor and vocal tics, as well as behavioral and cognitive disorders.
Alzheimer's disease and dementia
The implant stimulates undamaged areas of the brain, thereby improving brain activity and "recharging" memory.
Pain syndrome
The neurostimulation method is considered to be the most effective way to suppress chronic pain syndrome.
How it Works
Implanted into the body in the chest area
The electrodes are implanted deep into the brain
Stages of the ELVIS DBS project development
Development of the chip and electrodes
Launch of the project, prototype development.
Conducting the first animal trials.
Testing and certification
Development of electrodes and the chip for an implant control. Testing of the electronics on animals.
Installation of ELVIS DBS to the first patients with neurological diseases.
Certification of the technology in Russia.
Introduction of ELVIS DBS into the medical practice
At this stage, the brain implant for the correction of brain diseases will become widely available to the patients in Russia.
Development of the chip and electrodes
Launch of the project, prototype development.
Conducting the first animal trials.
Testing and certification
Development of electrodes and the chip for an implant control. Testing of the electronics on animals.
Installation of ELVIS DBS to the first patients with neurological diseases.
Certification of the technology in Russia.
Introduction of ELVIS DBS into the medical practice
At this stage, the brain implant for the correction of brain diseases will become widely available to the patients in Russia.